Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Mother Lover

It was an exciting Mother's Day because our family added a mother-to-be to the ranks.  In the past, I've celebrated my wonderful mothers and grandmothers while at the same time celebrating my non-motherness (any reason to party).  However, this year I was able to embrace the my inner mother and show off my growing baby bump.  We BBQ's with Kimmi and Granny and delivered this painting to Merry.  It was great to see all the family.


  1. You have finally done it! So proud of my little blogger!!! These pictures are cute! Look at the bump get bigger!

  2. Hi Amanda,
    Congratulations on your new blog! Love the pictures from Mother's Day, and are so looking forward to spending the evening with you and Josh tonight. Especially can't wait to sample some more of your good cooking! We love you both.....
