Thursday, March 31, 2011


Today our family went to Golf-in-the-Round for a little early spring golfing. It was a beautiful day in Salt Lake City and Grant was enjoying the sunshine. It's a neat place, Golf-in-the-Round, that sits just west of a train track and city dump. Not too glamourous but to my boy it was a place of industrial noise and big trucks.
This was not the highlight however because little Grant was such a focused golfer. He practices T-ing up golf balls at home and his confidence beamed through as he skillfully balanced the golfball on the T and would swing his golf club "all by himself". He still is working on holding the club square and facing the right direction, but today was the first day he focused on the forward action of his swing. (Most of his early golf swings sent the ball flying behind him.) Of course, he showed of his talents to all of the on-lookers.
I'm so proud of my family and love my doing things my boys love to do.