Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Goodnight Show le Cowart

This is a pic from IPhoto when GMC was 8 mos. This story takes place at 18 mos.

Tonight after bath time I sat Grant down in his crib with the book "Words". I came downstairs to make a bottle of milk and spoke briefly on the telephone with my sister. When I went upstair I found Grant sitting in the corner of his crib with the back of the book pressed up against his face. Leaning against the door I asked him if he was enjoying his book. He smiled, set the book on his lap and opened it quickly. "Kitty!"he said joyfully as he pointed to the image of a "cat" being the word.
He drank his bottle quickly. He is so tall, the baby who once fit sweetly inside of my cradled arms now drapes off the end of the rocking chair. I snuggled him against my chest for a moment, kissed him good night and laid him in bed. "Goodnight" I said as I quickly shut the door behind me.
"Mom..." "Mommy..." I sat on the couch and browsed my Twitter feed through batches of silence and quiet coos. "Mom" "Mom" and a bit of whining. Guess I better go up. Making my way up the stairs I noticed the cries quickly quieted.
Turning on his light at the dimmest level I found him feet up against the crib equally on two slats. He squinted his eyes and rolled on his tummy. "Grant baby, it's sleepy time." I picked him up and snuggled him against my chest.
"Sit down" he says to me as I rock from side to side. I obliged and held him tight rocking in the rocking chair. "La La La La..."
"Sure thing buddy." Hmmm he's never asked me to sing a lullaby...I'll bring out the big guns. "Sleep...Sleep tonight/And may your dreams/be realized...." His breathing slowed but his grip around my fingers tightened. He smells like coconuts and baby boy. Soon he is snoring and my singing has mellowed to a hum.
"Lay down", he says. I lifted up him up, lay him down and pulled the blanket up to his chin as he snores and rolled over to his tummy.
"Goodnight Grant."

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy Holidays

So the pictures uploaded backward but that's fine since it's already 2011 and I'm just now posting on the holidays. We had a great time here at Chateau Cowart. Here is Grant wearing a "2011" crown I made for him on NYE. He did not like wearing it and I had to bribe him with a roll-up to get this one pic. Next, is the two of us showing our eyes hanging on Christmas Day. Santa brought him a desk and he seems to enjoy his space coloring and pretending to cook. A few weeks before Christmas we went to meet Santa at Alpine Country Club. Grant loved eating the buffet food and Santa was cool too. Josh made a safari snowman for our back yard. It's been a fun start to the winter season.