Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sippy Cups

Pointer Fingers

Grant spends a majority of his day pointing at things. He points at lights, cars, the kitty, people at the grocery store, paintings, vases, crystals and more. We went to the zoo last week and Grant was really impressed with the elephants. So much that he gave them the double "gunslinger" point.


Grant loves his toy cars and trucks. He can hear a car coming a street away with his supersonic baby hearing and loves to imitate the sound of an engine. Little man has a motor in him.
Today a neighbor of Kim and Randy's stopped to say hello and Grant pointed to the man in the car and razzberried the car noise. The neighbor laughed and revved the engine to his BMW. "Vrroom Vrroom!" Grant was startled and nearly jumped out my arms but then began pointing and vrroom vrroomin' again.
Attached is a video of Grant playing with his car. He's been crawling for about 2 months but recently really started to move.

Saturday, May 1, 2010