Thursday, December 31, 2009

Just Pics

Me & My Homie G. Money looking fly in his dress shirt.
Roll time in the crib brings the big smiles.

Christmas Morning


This Christmas was the best yet! Having Grant around makes everything more fun. He was really getting into opening presents and enjoys all of his new toys. In the picture on the right is his Inchworm who measured him today at 29". He is getting bigger each day and is sitting up and grabbing. Gone are the days where he just kick-kicks his legs; he now roles and scoots.

Josh is working super full-time because this is the money making season. So we have wonderful mornings together as a family. Christmas morning was obviously quite special. I hope all my dear family and friends are having happy holidays too!


Monday, December 21, 2009

Growing Older and Wiser but Always Good Looking

Happy 5 month Birthday to Grant and 1st week birthday to his newly grown hair. Looking good Mr. So Big!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Blessing

This past Sunday we had our family and friends over to our home for a baby welcoming ceremony. It was a special day filled with lots of snow and lots of spirit. The Reverend Carruthers MC'd, Josh gave Grant a blessing and Amanda sang a song. Grant knew it was his special day and was smiling with his guests. We are so fortunate to have Grant Montgomery Cowart in our lives and are blessed by his handsome hart.

"Every blade of grass has its angel that bends over it and whispers, 'Grow, grow.' "
~ The Talmud