Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Well dang. I just realized this blog sat untouched for an entire year.  2012 went by in a flash.  I spent most of my time watching this young man grow.  Man I am proud of him. . . he talks alot tho.  j/k

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Friday, September 30, 2011

Belated Birthday Post

So far so Summer

Here are a few pics of GMC in action. Apparently he has a favorite hat and t-shirt. I'm a bit shocked that I haven't been blogging about my awesome son, I suppose I'm distracted by his awesomeness. Pictured above is him golfing, his long summer curls, shopping for shoes (2 shoe sizes in 4 months) and at the airshow in Heber.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Grant loves playing pretend and dress up. He is quite articulate and can describe or act out what he imagines. When he wears his cowboy hat he walks around saying, "Hi ya'll" and "Howdy Partner". And he loves to wear his Batman cape while doing Karate. A few days ago he was pushing his dump truck around the house saying, "more dirt...more concrete...castle." I asked, "Who are you building a castle for?" He answered, "The princess."

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Early Summer

Hipster Grant

Hipster Grant loves playing on his Iphone. He drinks out of a vintage Santa mug all year round and loves Americana bluegrass...Only kidding. But he does get a kick out of wearing Mom's glasses.